Saturday, 20 January 2018

It's NOT a dog-eat-dog world!

As a newbie in the blogging world, I've been working hard to connect with other bloggers, student nurses, registered nurses and prospective nurses to try and build a bit of a reputation for myself. Whilst the outcome of this has been mostly positive, I have found on a few occasions that there seems to be a bit of an "every man for himself" attitude. Honestly I found this really surprising.
The feeling that I got was that these people don't want to share their secrets to succeeding, and with such a shortage of nurses here in the UK, I really cant believe that there are students and nurses that are so unwilling to help others to further themselves. Surely asking questions and showing initiative is a good thing?! We want to learn. We want to make something of ourselves, and most of all, we want to help others..the point that seems to be going amiss here.
When working as a carer, aside from taking care of my residents, one of my favourite things was helping new staff. I loved the idea that I was setting a good example for them by working to the best possible standard I could. I would take them around with me, show them, and then ask them to do it the next time so that they could concrete their own learning. I would even go home and put together fact sheets that I knew would be helpful for them getting to know our residents conditions/illness'. I never once thought "Oh my goodness, what if they end up being a better carer than me?" Quite frankly, I would have welcomed it. We are all on a path where education is never ending, its one of the things that draws me to this line of work and I would much rather give others a hand up than find myself complaining down the line that they're not following best practice because they haven't been taught correctly.
When I qualify as a nurse, I know that I will need experience before becoming an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, and if this ends up being in a hospital setting, I would 100% like to be a mentor.
Knowledge is power, and as nurses, we've all got the power to make a difference. Make the most of your ability to make an impact on providing amazing healthcare. Its priceless.

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