Thursday, 12 July 2018

My 'One Giant Leap' Experience

The first year of my nursing studies has finally come to an end, and I will hopefully be posting more blogs over the summer. This blog was never intended as a nursing blog, so you may occasionally find posts that include my own personal thoughts/feelings and what I've been getting up to. 

I wanted to start off the summer with an update from May (only 2 months late!). As you all know, I signed up for the Alzheimer's Society 'One Giant Leap' as part of Dementia Awareness week in May. The cause is very close to my heart after working with people with dementia, and losing my Grandad to Alzheimers in 2016. I try to take part in fundraising events each year and have participated in walks and runs etc in the past, but this year I really wanted to push myself to try something new and take myself out of my comfort zone. 

On the 27th May, I drove down to Hinton Skydiving Centre, and after a brief training session, prepared to jump 13,000 feet from an airplane. I'm not going to sugar coat it..I was terrified! But I was equally as excited and couldn't wait to get up there. The flight up took a while, but surprisingly wasn't as scary as I had imagined, and sitting on the edge of the plane waiting to exit was a feeling like no other. Head back, feet up..and out we was exhilarating. Feeling the air on my face and hands was amazing, it took my breath away. The chute went up and everything came to a sudden halt, we were no longer free falling, we were gliding through the air with the best view. I felt like I was flying. The only bad thing I have to say about the whole thing is that it didn't last long enough! It was an absolutely incredible experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

The support that I received was overwhelming, and I want to thank everyone that sponsored me. In particular, my friends and colleagues from University, the staff on my ward at the hospital, the congregation at my nans church (especially the anonymous donor of £200!!) the Wolverhampton VW groups, all of my friends and family, the Facebook and Instagram community and anyone that shared my posts and collected on my behalf..I am so so grateful and the total amount raised was an incredible:


Thank you all again SO much! I am so appreciative of all the support for raising funds for such a worthwhile cause. You are all amazing! Scroll down for the video!!